Personal Finance

15 November 2011

Flat-Lining The Flat Tax: Mitchell Orenstein

The US does not need an experiment with a flat tax. A careful study of countries that have embraced a flat tax system demonstrated three main pre-conditions that required a flat tax; none of which the US has. Adopting a...

28 October 2011

Waking Up From The Nightmare On Wall Street

We, as a collective society, have to shoulder some of the blame for financial crisis as we essentially allowed Wall Street and our policymakers to run the global economy into the ground while we slumbered in blissful ignorance of their...

23 September 2011

Vickers’ Banking Reforms: Yay or Nay?

 23 September 2011. Sir John Vickers recently unveiled the Independent Banking Commission’s proposed reforms for the United Kingdom’s bloated and dysfunctional banking sector. In the 358-page article, neither the words “ethics” nor “ethical” are mentioned once. Is it any wonder...

22 September 2011

Women At Work: Moving Towards Parity

Earlier this month, the former CEO of Yahoo! was unceremoniously removed by the company board, via a telephone call. Many have questioned and wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that Carol Bartz is a woman; if...

16 September 2011

Takeover Turmoil: Problems Pile Up For The Bank of America

  16 September 2011. In 2008, the Bank of America (BoA) purchased Countrywide Financial for US$4 billion. However, in the aftermath of the housing bubble bust, the purchase of Countrywide has already brought losses in excess of US$30 billion to...

29 July 2011

Elitist Nonsense – Shattered by Paul Krugman

29 July 2011. 29 July 2011. Who really got us into this mess? In Wall Street, in the City, in the corridors of Whitehall and Washington DC, and in the Berlaymont Building, it's quite common for the general public to...

22 July 2011

How the Rich are Spending in 2011

They earn, they invest and they splurge. Only that they do so more ostentatiously and extravagantly. They are the ultra high net worth individuals, or more conventionally – and civilly – known as the millionaires. They may have disappeared from...

24 June 2011

Money Advice from The World’s Filthy Rich

It’s already June. Where has the year gone? For some who’ve made personal finance and investment goals to grow rich this year or increase your company profits by tenfold your New Year resolution for 2011 – you might start to...

22 June 2011

Illegal Bookies, Crooked Players & Asian Gangs

22 June 2011.Illegal sports’ gambling exists all over the world. Even in the US, most sports gambling is still controlled by the mafia. It is a multi-billion pound industry and the profits for organised crime are comparable with the drug...

13 June 2011

Bitcoins: The Politics of A Virtual Currency

  13 June 2011. There’s a really easy way to find out if an issue or  topic is being widely talked about by the general public. Go to Google, search the keywords, then gaze in wonder. Somehow Google is able...

8 June 2011

Black Money: The Business of Money Laundering

8 June 2011. Money laundering is a massive global problem. It allows criminals to infuse billions of dollars of black money into the stream of commerce and business, corrupting financial institutions and officials. However, the precise scale of money laundering...

27 May 2011

The World’s Worst Credit Cards

27 May 2011 Credit card companies are battering consumers across the board with monstrous fees, high interest rates and disappearing rewards. If you signed up for a credit card in the past year, the chances are - you've been ripped...