Personal Finance

24 August 2010

Nasty Battle Looms Over Public Sector Pensions

 24 August 2010. By David Caploe PhD, Chief Political Economist Of the many fault lines that the Black September 2008 crisis and its aftermath have exposed in the “developed” world, perhaps the most difficult is the relation between the...

30 June 2010

Personal Finance Investing

In personal investment finance funds are used for the purchase of shares or any other collective investment schemes. It can also be used for the purchase of assets which are subject to capital risks. The following are the kinds of...

30 June 2010

Personal Financial Consultant

The personal financial consultant defines the financial objectives of individuals after making detailed analysis of his financial status. The personal financial consultant also helps in formulating a comprehensive financial plan and provide suggestions to implement such plans.Before hiring the personal...

30 June 2010

Personal Finance and Business

Unlike personal finance, business finance or corporate finance deals with funding corporations.There are two kinds of business finance:The long-term business finance is provided by the ownership equity or bonds. Such decisions are governed by the capital structure of the company....

30 June 2010

Personal Finance

Personal finance involves using the basic principles of finance to manage one’s money by keeping a record of income, budgeting, saving, investing and managing financial risks for example. After the 2008 financial crisis, there was a massive shift in focus...

30 June 2010

Personal Finance Company

A personal finance company is a financial institution that acts as an intermediary providing personal financial services to its clients.Personal finance company like Prudential, Merill Lynch etc help individuals to grow and protect their wealth in the process.The services provided...

30 June 2010

Personal Money Finance

Personal money finance is a way to manage one's cash balances. This can be done by the following processes: Personal money finance is a way to manage one's cash balances. This can be done by the following processes: 1. Banking...

30 June 2010

Personal Financial Planning

Personal financial planning is one of the most important aspects of personal finance. Personal financial planning can be done in the following 5 steps: Assessment: The financial condition of an individual can be gauged by formulating balance sheets and income...

30 June 2010

Guide to Personal Finance

The Guide to Personal finance throws light on the personal financial planning. It weaves in the principles of finance in the monetary decisions of different individuals or family units. It includes concepts like financial planning, spending and credit management, income...

30 June 2010

Personal finance information

Budgeting: One should keep an account of the income and expected expenditures to meet the different financial goals. For this budgeting is required to make use of every cent spent.Investment Planning: For money to grow and protect it from the...

30 June 2010

Personal Financial Services, Personal Banking Services

In a sphere of faster growing financial market activities, the personal financial services have become easier and faster. Both private sector as well as public sector banks and financial organizations have stepped forward in a direction to develop the process...

30 June 2010

Personal Credit and Finance

Personal credit is the granting of loan and personal credit finance is nothing but funding such credit. Personal credit finance has a major side effect of creating personal debt. A person is using credit when he is purchasing anything today...

30 June 2010

Personal Home Finance

One can opt for personal home finance for two reasons. To provide a roof above his head Investing in real estate, instead of buying it, is a method of long-term savings, which also earns high interest income.For availing the personal...