
23 November 2010

Performance Bonds, Performance Bond

Performance bonds, or surety bonds, are financial tools that act as guarantees for the satisfactory completion of a project. These bonds are generally used in the construction and services industries. They are also used frequently in the financial trading markets....

23 November 2010

Global Bonds, Global Bond

Global bonds are debt instruments that are issued simultaneously in several countries. These bonds are usually issued by large multinational organizations and sovereign entities, both of which regularly carry out large fund-raising exercises. By issuing global bonds, an issuing entity...

23 November 2010

Bond Financing for Investment Purposes

Bond FInancing for investing purposes is an investment procedure that results in profits which are comparably higher than those offered in the Stock Markets due to the risks involved. For those who are interested in Bond Investing, the best way...

23 November 2010

Gold Bonds, Gold Bond

Gold bonds or gold-convertible bonds are debt instruments that are typically issued by gold mining firms. These bonds are secured by a stored quota of gold and their yield depends heavily upon fluctuations in global gold prices.Not many companies in...

23 November 2010

Bond Rates

Bond rates are the predetermined interest rates paid by the issuer of a bond, note or any other fixed income security. Also known as coupon rates, bond rates are expressed as a percentage of the face value or principal, on...

23 November 2010

Bond Yield

Current yield: The ratio of the annual interest payment to the bond's current price. Calculating Yield to Maturity Investors usually consider yield to maturity (YTM) to gauge the profitability of a bond. The steps to calculate the YTM of a...

23 November 2010

Bond Issue

Bond Issue is the procedure involving the issue of debt securities in the form of Bonds, that is undertaken by the business concerns which require financial resources in order to pay off debts incurred previously or to provide for expansion...

23 November 2010

Bond Insurance

The Bond Insurance ( better known as the Insurance Bond ) is circulated in the financial markets basically by the companies providing insurance coverages to their consumers. The Bond Insurance is in fact an investment instrument issued in the form...

23 November 2010

Bond Rating

The Bond Rating of any particular bond issued by a company in the Bond Market is basically an evaluation of the bond and a basis for comparing the specific bond with similar other bonds available in the Bond Market. Generally,...

23 November 2010

Stock and Bonds

The profits that one can make from investments in either Stocks or Bonds, are subject to economic risks and conditions. Stock and Bonds are both coupled with their distinct advantages in addition to specific risks. So, the investors should find...

23 November 2010

Bond Prices, Bond Price, Bond Value

Bond price, or bond value, is the maximum amount an investor is willing to pay to purchase a bond. Bond pricing is impacted by the current average interest rate at which returns are being generated by investors and the interest...

23 November 2010

Types of Bonds

People who are going to invest in bonds should be aware of the different Types of Bonds available in the market and the various characteristics associated with them. The investment decision in the bond market must be based on some...