Featured Articles
The Economics of Reproductive Health
Reproductive health isn’t just about abortions, despite all the attention they get. It’s also about access to family planning services, contraception, sex education and much else. Reproductive health isn’t just about abortions, despite all the attention they get. It’s...
British Government Hell-bent on Privatising the NHS
Despite the exorbitant costs and cruelties of the US-style private healthcare model, the UK is moving towards a similar model. The US companies are poised to take control of the system. Supporters of a single-payer healthcare system in the US...
Asian Health Risks Remain Stubbornly High
If you live in Asia and the Pacific, do you ever wonder how high your risk is of contracting antimicrobial-resistant bacteria or emerging infectious diseases such as a new strain of avian influenza? Unfortunately, I have to tell you that...
Reaching for Universal Health Care
Universal health coverage (UHC) has become a key agenda of policy makers in many countries. According to the definition of the World Health Organization (2010), UHC is the goal that “all people have access to health services and do not...
The Affordable Care Act 5 Years In: How Costly Has It Been?
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was a significant bill, enacted into law in March 2010 with the goal of providing accessible and affordable health care for all Americans. Rising health care costs and insurance premiums – along with the significant...
Medical Spending Falls as Deductibles Rise
Is that surgery really worth it? Do I really value that cancer screening? Is that extra imaging service necessary? These are the kinds of questions consumers ask themselves when their insurance plans require higher cost sharing for medical services. This...
The Ill-effects of Sitting Down on the Job
Standing up at work can be good for your health. That is the finding of recent research that links standing-based work to improved health outcomes. It follows numerous other studies that show how our sedentary work habits may be killing...
Thailand’s Health Care Success Overshadowed by a Democratic Crisis
Thailand’s current democratic crisis sits in stark contrast with its greatest achievement this century: universal health coverage. This achievement is also a prime example of the ideological disagreements on the value of populism in Thai politics. In 2001, the government...
Gene Patents Are Sacrificing Human Lives For Profits: Joseph Stiglitz
The US Supreme Court recently began deliberations in a case that will determine whether human genes may be patented. But we already know that permitting gene patents results in inefficiencies – including monopoly profits and a failure to maximize the...
A Global Health Care Remedy – Why We Must Fix High Drug Prices: Joseph Stiglitz
The pharmaceutical industry today is a broken intellectual-property regime, which holds back on the development and availability of cheap drugs for the sake of profit maximisation. But it doesn’t have to be this way. An international effort by the World...
Health Care Industry
Health care industry plays an important part in the economy of a country. The health care industry determines the GDP or the gross domestic product of any country. It also determines exports status, employment, capital investment etc. Health care segment...
Health Care Industry Trends
Health care industry trends manifest an upward growth but several areas need to be attended to for enhancing health care services for the common man. Health care industry trends manifest an upward growth but several areas need to be attended...
US Health Care Industry
It has been hoped-for, that by the year 2012, contribution of the United States health care industry's to the gross domestic product will be approximately 17.7%. United States health care industry constitutes 15% of the economy of United States Of...
Healthcare Health Insurance
Healthcare health insurance, provided by an employer, is one of the few perks available to you at affordable rates. At the same time, there are individuals who run their own business from home, with no health or disability coverage. If...
Health Care Insurance
Health care insurance is a must for everyone and their family. Insurance protects you and your family from high health care costs, especially in the treatment of chronic diseases or when hospitalization is needed. In case you do...