Shaping a New Normal in the South China Sea
Almost 30 years to the day that a young, Harvard-trained American lawyer won a famous judgment at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against the United States, Paul S Reichler pulled off another momentous victory at The Hague. This time...
The Flashpoint that is the South China Sea
Clearing the haze of speculation, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) handed down its ruling on the maritime dispute between China and the Philippines on 12 July. The Philippines filed the case under Annex VII of the United Nations Convention...
Hillary Clinton, the TPP, and the Environment
Hillary Clinton and many of her fellow Democrats meeting in Philadelphia hope to show the party unity arguably lacking when the Republicans gathered in Cleveland. A sticking point to a unified Democratic Party, however, has been the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), one of...
Can The Hague’s South China Sea Ruling be Enforced?
Southeast Asia has descended into a maritime insecurity spiral since the April–June 2012 standoff at Scarborough Shoal between Chinese maritime security forces and the Philippine Navy, which motivated Manila to initiate legal arbitration proceedings in The Hague. The Permanent Court...
North Korea is the Thorn in Russia and China’s Side
On 25 June 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin met his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in Beijing to discuss expanding the China–Russia strategic partnership. Much of their efforts in this direction so far have entailed taking steps to promote bilateral cooperation...
Lost at Sea
Chinese dredging vessels are purportedly seen in the waters around Mischief Reef in the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. Reuters It’s now official: the South China Sea does not belong to China. Chinese dredging vessels are purportedly...
The Interconnected Social and Economic Cost of Gun Control
Another week in America, another week of sadness and hand wringing prompted by gun violence. Another week in America, another week of sadness and hand wringing prompted by gun violence. While the most recent incidents are tinged by race, they also point to a...
Changing North Korea’s Course will Take Cooperation
The 26th meeting of the North East Asia Cooperation Dialogue (NEACD), a one and a half track forum whose membership mirrors the Six-Party Talks, was held in Beijing late last month. North Korea began to attend the NEACD in 2002,...
UNCLOS Ruling May Not Go China’s Way
International media have come to focus on Tuesday’s anticipated decision in the Philippines’ arbitration against China. Beijing’s recent propaganda and diplomatic blitz has raised the prominence of the case to new heights. The dispute involves no fewer than 15 issues,...
Exporting Human Rights Abuses Using Adult Entertainment
The history of the Japanese military’s wartime sexual enslavement of women still plays on the mind of East Asia. Japanese leaders make it hard to forget. Most recently, deputy foreign minister Shinsuke Sugiyama told the United Nations Committee on the...
Can Turkey Learn from Asia’s Refugee Deals?
The global refugee crisis took another twist this year when the European Union struck a deal with Turkey to take refugees that make it to Greece. Turkey is not an EU member, so in exchange the EU promised to reenergise...
Asia could be the World’s Brexit Shock Absorber
The shock of Britain’s vote to exit the European Union (EU) will reverberate around the world for decades to come. In addition, Asia isn’t immune. The direct effect on stock markets and exchange rates around the region is a modest...
Post-Crisis Tourism
Citizens of the U.S. Citizens of the U.S. and the world were deeply shocked and saddened when a gunman shot and killed about 50 patrons at an Orlando nightclub this past weekend. While the shooter’s primary targets were the people enjoying an...
Small Business, Big (Environmental) Impact
Understanding how businesses engage in environmental management is important given growing global concerns about the depletion of natural resources and reductions in biodiversity. There has been a great deal of focus on large businesses, but small businesses have a role to...
Gender-biased Disaster Response
The ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) came into being in December 2009. It has played a tremendous role in enhancing regional and national capacities for disaster response in the region. The recent ‘ASEAN Vision 2025 on...