
21 January 2013

Are Financial Markets Depressed or Repressed?

Financial repression results from policies that allow governments to fund their borrowing through imposing costs on others – increasingly seen across global financial markets from Japan’s asset purchase programme to the European Central Bank’s outright market transactions. By artificially lowering...

17 January 2013

Land Grabbing: 21st Century Colonialism?

The pace of land grabbing in the developing world is accelerating fast. Foreign governments, financial institutions and corporate giants have combined to create a neo-colonial expansion, which has disastrous consequences for the local populations, as well as the environment. The...

11 January 2013

The Fastest Growing Economies in 2013

As the European Union mulls another year of economic stagnation and the United States a year of lacklustre and uncertain economic recovery, will emerging markets take the lead in global economic recovery?  As the European Union mulls another year of...

10 January 2013

A Major Oil-Led Recession In 2013?: Gail Tverberg

The relationship between oil shocks and global recessions is one that has been strongly established for decades. Since World War II, 10 out of 11 recessions in the U.S. were preceded by a sharp increase in the price of oil,...