Togo Economy
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Togo is a lower income economy comes under the Sub Saharan African region as to the classification made by the World Bank on the basis of income and region for the year 2006.
The country has a total surface area of 56,790.0 square kilometers as in 2004, with a forest area of 4,860.0 as in 2000.
Togo Economy : Social Indicators
The total population of the country has reached at 6.0 millions as in 2004, with an annual percentage growth rate of 2.6.
Togo is a lower income economy comes under the Sub Saharan African region as to the classification made by the World Bank on the basis of income and region for the year 2006.
The country has a total surface area of 56,790.0 square kilometers as in 2004, with a forest area of 4,860.0 as in 2000.
Togo Economy : Social Indicators
The total population of the country has reached at 6.0 millions as in 2004, with an annual percentage growth rate of 2.6.
The following table shows the annual percentage growth rate of population in the country over various years:
The Life Expectancy years as in 2004 was 54.8. Infant mortality rate per 1,000 life births was at 78.4 in the same year. The adult literacy rate, that is percentage of peoples in the age of 15 and above has reached at 53.2 in 2004.
Key Economic Indicators Of Togo Economy
The Gross National Income of the country in terms of current US $ in 2004 has reached at 1.9 billions with a percapita GNI of 310.0 in current US $. The following diagram shows the annual percentage growth rate of Gross Domestic product over years.