United States

23 December 2010


In the beginning of his term, George Bush was faced with national debt left by the former president, Ronald Reagan. Primary economic policy of George Bush was to curb the deficit which was essential to secure his position as world...

23 December 2010

G. W. Bush’s

George W. Bush, the current president of United States, has initiated a number of plans to facilitate growth of the US economy. During first term of Bush’s administration, he has taken an initiative to bring about a tax cut program...

23 December 2010

Medicare Statistics

Medical care in the United States is comparatively expensive than many other countries. Federal and state governments provide health care programs to its citizens. These include Medicaid and Medicare. While Medicaid is meant for the people who cannot afford proper...

23 December 2010


Manufacturing sector in United States attracts huge investment, which results in creation of new industries and careers in the manufacturing sector of the country. The U.S. manufacturing sector has come up with a large numbers of innovations. According to statistics,...

23 December 2010

Welfare in US

Welfare in US covers all the policy measures and other initiatives undertaken by the federal government to ensure sustained improvement and wellbeing of society. Public welfare programs in US are designed to help the underprivileged section of US economy. Optimum...

23 December 2010


The term Reaganomics – term 1 basically implies various economic policies that had been adopted by the 40th president of United States of America, Ronald Reagan during his first term from 1981 to 1985. Features of Reaganomics – Term 1...

23 December 2010


Healthcare in United States of America is offered by a number of legally recognized entities. More amount is spent in USA on healthcare than anywhere else in the world in terms of per-capita statistics and Gross Domestic Product. Healthcare Expenses...

23 December 2010

Business and Economy

Growth and welfare of the US economy crucially depend on the performance of business sectors and related activities. Per capita GDP of the United States has turned out to be $46,000. US economy is a market-oriented one. Business firms and...

17 December 2010

US Stock Exchanges

US stock exchanges play a crucial role in the context of country’s economy. Movements in US stock exchanges provide a clear picture of upward or downward movement of the US economy itself. Stock exchanges in the United States are considered...

17 December 2010

US Chamber of Commerce

The U.S Chamber of Commerce acts as a representative of a large base of 3 million businesses. These are not only corporate giants but include small and medium business organizations as well. The US Chamber of Commerce comprises a large...

17 December 2010

US Commodity Boards and Export-Import Council

  The commodity boards and export-import councils of the United States of America are extremely important in the context of overall economic scenario of the country. The export-import councils look at various affairs related to trade in the country. They...

17 December 2010

Business Management Institutes in the US

United States of America boasts of some of the best business management institutes in the world. Student-friendly programs offered by these institutes combine theoretical knowledge with practical experience in the industry to offer their students a complete learning experience. Business...

17 December 2010

Major US Industry Organizations

US industry organizations are the bodies that look after particular industries in the United States of America. They are entrusted with responsibility of formulating various policies and guidelines that would be followed by particular industry. Biotechnology Industry Organization is one...

17 December 2010

Top 50 US Financial Institutions

The top 50 financial institutions in the USA are the leading names in the financial scenario of the United States of America. These organizations have been doing stellar business over the years in the country and have continued to serve...

17 December 2010

US Research Institutes

US research organizations are recognized internationally for their excellent infrastructure as well high academic standards. The US government actively supports research and development through the various research institutes of the country, which attract some of the best brains from across...