Can The US Shale Boom End America’s Great Stagnation? – Tyler Cowen Interview
America’s “Great Stagnation” first began in 1973, when both income and productivity started to show signs of slowing down. But thanks to the shale boom, the figures are once again on the rise and may continue to rise further. America’s...
The US Shale “Boom”: A Fantasy Concocted By Politicians & Industry Bigwigs?
The numbers don't lie—but politicians and industry bigwigs do. While pundits still wax poetic about an era of American energy independence, Bill Powers, author of the book "Cold, Hungry and in the Dark: Exploding the Natural Gas Supply Myth," sees...
US Labour Crisis: Where Have All The Good Jobs Gone?
While the United States had added more jobs in recent months than economists had been expecting, several studies suggest that the U.S. labour market has lost at least 3 million well-paid “good jobs” forever. The bulk of new jobs...
Can Fear Necessarily Justify The Violation Of Rights?: George Friedman
U.S. missions across the Middle East and Africa will remain closed until the end of the week for fear that terrorist cell al Qaeda will launch an attack to mark the end of Ramadan. Calling it one of the most...
How America Lost Its Edge in Communications Technology: Dan Steinbock
The United States' global primacy depends in large part on its ability to develop new technologies and industries faster than any other country. However, after decades of intensified globalization and the rise of the large emerging economies, such as China,...
Can the US Dethrone Saudi Arabia as the World’s Top Oil Producer?: Chris Faulkner Interview
The discovery of shale gas has been the biggest driver in the reversal of decades of decline in U.S. oil production and has already transformed North Dakota, for example, into an economic powerhouse, boasting the nation's lowest unemployment rate and...
United States Economy
The United States of America has the world's largest national economy. It makes up roughly 17 to 22 percent of the world's gross domestic product (GDP). The currency of the United States, the dollar, is the most widely used currency...
US Export, Import and Trade
US foreign trade and global economic policies have experienced drastic changes since the days of its founding fathers. Prior to the Great Depression and World War II, government and businesses mostly concentrated on developing the domestic economy irrespective of what...
US Economic Structure
The US is a market-oriented economy, where private individuals and business firms make most of the decisions, and the federal and state governments buy needed goods and services predominantly in the private marketplace. US business firms enjoy considerably greater flexibility...
US Industry Sectors
The US is one of the most technologically advanced economies in the world, coming in 10th in the Global Innovation Index and 12th for the World Bank’s Knowledge Economy Index. As such, they also lead the world in industries such...
US Economic Forecast
The US economy grew by 2.211 percent in 2012, compared to 1.808 percent in 2011 and 2.391 percent in 2010. Three consecutive years of growth has since reversed the recession experienced from 2008-2009, but the economy is still recovering too...
US Energy Policy – Should The Free Market Reign Supreme?: Mark Thoma Interview
Even as America looks towards an energy-independent future, debate continues to stir over the importance of green energy and natural gas exports. And although some have argued that government intervention is hindering industry growth, the threat of significant market failures...
Is The US Shale Boom Already Over?
During the last three years, the mantra in the U.S. for shale has been, "Drill, baby, drill.” But the reality is there is only one true gas formation in the U.S. that is increasing production – Marcellus – while every...
A Huge Fed-Induced Credit Bubble By 2017?: Nouriel Roubini
Since injecting more than $2 trillion into the financial system through three rounds of quantitative easing, the U.S. Federal Reserve is gradually realising that their experiment to kick-start the economy with near-zero interest rates has failed. Contemplating an exit strategy...
Housing Bubble 2.0? – Why The US Property Market Is Headed For Another Crash
U.S. house prices have risen for the past year, provoking calls that the market has stabilised; But American investment broker Peter Schiff – the famous ‘Dr Doom’ who accurately predicted the 2007 crisis – says the correction is temporary and...