Europe / Middle East

18 December 2012

Another Eurozone Crisis In 2014?: Nouriel Roubini

The tail risks of a Greek exit from the eurozone or a massive loss of market access in Italy and Spain have been reduced for 2013. But the fundamental crisis of the eurozone has not been resolved, and another year...

4 December 2012

Europe Trapped In Economic War Of Attrition: Mohamed El-Erian

Underlying tensions between European countries are gradually emerging as austerity measures imposed by richer economies exacerbate already painful recessions among indebted nations. But while the ECB has managed to stave off an outright economic war between its members for the...

10 July 2012

Can Europe Learn From Their Own Past Crises?: Harold James

Summer crises are a familiar feature of European history – and of financial history. Often, addressing some technical issue was not enough to resolve a major political problem, which is true today as well, with Europe’s current crisis reflecting exactly...

3 July 2012

Can The Eurozone Be Rescued In Time? : Mohamed El Erian

The eurozone crisis might break European leaders’ inherent resistance to compromise, collaboration, and common action. But the longer they bicker and dither, the greater the risk that what they gain in willingness will be lost to incapacity. NEWPORT BEACH –...