Exports Data, Exporting Statistics, Export Information

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Exports data or exporting statistics refers to the statistical data about goods, commodities or services that are transported to another country for sale or trade. There are several organizations that keep track of exports. As a result, they provide country-specific and global export information and help economic planners to identify a country’s key strengths and areas of improvement.

How Exports Are Measured

Exports refer to the total goods or services transported from one country to another for the purposes of trade. Sometimes, goods are also re-exported, which means goods exported to a country may yet again be exported to another country.

There are several levels and measures for assessing export performance. Exports data are collected and measured at varied levels such as firm, venture, country and international. The measures used are varied at different levels, even within an organization. For instance, companies may use their ROI, export sales, profits, intensity and market share as measures to reach a conclusion about their export statistics. To obtain the most accurate export information, experts suggest utilizing multiple measures. Research today also suggests the use of other subjective scales and factors like organizational learning to evaluate export performance. For instance, while objective measures are considered the best for evaluating short-term performance, subjective measures are the best for concluding long-term exports data.

Some of the measures used to find a country’s exporting statistics are its:

  • total exports
  • domestic exports
  • reported foreign imports.

Data about country-specific exports are available with international organizations, such as the UN Commodity Trade database and the World Trade Atlas data.

Trends in Exports Data

It is complex to predict a specific trend in exports data. However, the continuous growth in the share of developing Asian countries in world exports has tripled spanning the years 1980 to 2007. In 1980, it stood at a meager 8.3% and grew to 23.7% by 2007. The impressive growth of China in world exports is commendable. Its share accounted for 58% of the Asian countries share of world exports.

Export Information Sources

Highly reliable export information sources are the U.S. Census Bureau and the Federation of International Trade Associations (FITA). Exporting statistics is their forte as it is used by private businesses and trade associations for business planning and market analysis. Federal agencies also utilize it for trade and economic policy analysis and to calculate the GDP.

In a nutshell, exports data is an effective way to find exhaustive information on global exports, statistics and information.

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