
19 March 2013

Nepal Leading The World In Poverty Reduction: Study

Nepal could eradicate poverty within the next 20 years if its poverty reduction rate continues on its current level of progress, said an Oxford University study published on Monday, citing “social policy investments combined with active civil society engagement” for...

6 March 2013

US Leaders Urge Congress to Ratify IMF Voting Reforms

The Obama administration has asked U.S. lawmakers to approve an increase in the United States’ contribution to the International Monetary Fund, as well as changes to the voting process within the Fund that will boost the influence of emerging economies...

5 March 2013

US Calls for Ban on Drunk Diplomats at UN Meetings

The United States has called for drunk diplomats to be barred from United Nations meetings, proposing that negotiation rooms “should in future be an inebriation-free zone”. Speaking at the UN General Assembly’s budget committee, also known as the Fifth Committee,...

4 December 2012

Infographic: Have We Bridged the Gender Wage Gap?

The equality movement has made tremendous gains in the last decades and women too can now enjoy greater freedom and access to education and employment. So why is there a persistent gender pay gap that just won’t go away? It...

20 September 2012

China-EU Summit Opens with Strong Focus on Trade

Chinese and European leaders meet in Brussels today for the high-level EU-China summit with the emphasis on increasing trade ties between the two. Trade between China and the EU, the world’s largest trading block, has doubled since 2003, reaching 428...

7 August 2012

Happiness Matters Too: Ben Bernanke

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has called for compassion for the average American, arguing that economic indicators fail to reflect the suffering of individual citizens. US unemployment in July remained stubbornly high at 8.3 percent, with an estimated 12.8 million...