Japan Economic Indicators
According to latest reports on Japan economic indicators this Asian nation has foreign reserves that are worth$1.009 trillion as of February 2009. Japanese economic indicators have revealed that national economy would be finding it hard to survive in fiscal 2009...
Malaysia Economic Indicators
As of latest information on Malaysia economic indicators there has been a decrease of 6.1 points in MasterCard Worldwide Index of Women’s Advancement Score. This index deals with economic standing of women in particular societies. Economic activity indicator, which is...
China Economic Indicators
China economic indicators present a useful method of assessing this South-East Asian country's economy. Various factors like gross domestic product, exports and imports, government expenditure, employment and unemployment, form an inclusive part of economic indicators. From a study of Chinese...
Mexico Economic Indicators
As per latest information on Mexico economic indicators Conference Board Leading Economic Index has declined at a rate of 2.6 percent. Another information on Mexican economic indicators states that Conference Board Coincident Economic Index came down at a rate of...
UK Economic Indicators
As per latest UK economic indicators, functioning on a macro-economic level and brought out by National Statistics, national economy has depreciated at a rate of 1.5 percent in final quarter of 2008 fiscal. According to information on Mexico’s economic indicators...
Canada Economic Indicators
CANSIM, Statistics Canada's socio-economic database, is one of Canada's historical economic indicators. Canada economic indicators include information related to gross domestic, government revenue, government expenditure, retail trade, unemployment and employment rate, international trade, manufacturing sector, prices, and finance sector of...
Australia Economic Data
Australia's economy is one of world's strongest. Its economic strength lies in several effective economic reforms introduced by different Australian national governments. Australia is expected to experience a stable economic growth in next five years. Australia economic data given here...
Economic Data
Economic data is primarily a collection of information on various important aspects of a country's economy. Economics data are brought out in definite intervals by authorities who are responsible for such functions. These organizations are basically statistical institutes that are...
India Economic Data
India economic data: Gross domestic product As per India economic data, for real gross domestic product measured in current prices, agriculture contributed INR 160244 crores in quarter spanning July 2008 to September 2008. In that same quarter, industrial sector contributed...
Japan Economic Data
In 2008 fiscal purchasing power parity GDP of Japan was $4.487 trillion according to Japan economic data. Japanese economic data reveals that at same period GDP with regard to official exchange rate was $4.844 trillion. Real growth rate of Japan...
Malaysia Economic Data
Malaysia economic data states that in 2008 fiscal GDP of Malaysia, as per purchasing power parity, was $397.5 billion and GDP, as per official exchange rate, was $214.7 billion. Malaysian economic data has also revealed that in same year real...
China Economic Data
As per China economic data of 2008 GDP with regard to purchasing power parity was $7.8 trillion and GDP as per official exchange rate was $4.222 trillion. Chinese economic data for 2008 fiscal confirmed that real growth rate of China...
Mexico Economic Data
As per Mexico economic data for fiscal 2008 purchasing power parity GDP of Mexico was $1.578 trillion. Official exchange rate GDP according to Mexican economic data was $1.143 trillion. Mexico’s economic data confirmed that in 2008 real growth rate of...
Pakistan Economic Data
In fiscal 2008 purchasing power parity GDP of Pakistan was $454.2 billion as per Pakistan economic data. GDP as per official exchange rate was $160.9 billion at that same period according to Pakistani economic data. As per economic data of...
Singapore Economic Data
As per latest Singapore economic data in fiscal 2008 purchasing power parity GDP of Singapore was $244 billion. Official exchange rate GDP of Singapore in 2008, as per Singaporean economic data was $192.8 billion. Economic data of Singapore for 2008...