Deutsche Bank Customer Service, Phone Numbers and Support Resources

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The Deutsche Bank Customer Service is in the business of helping customers. Deutsche Bank stands for German Bank if you were not aware of that fact. Founded in 1870, this bank makes its headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany. It is involved in a plethora of financial services and has offices worldwide.The Deutsche Bank employs in excess of 81,000 individuals in 76 countries across the globe.[br]

The Deutsche Bank Customer Service is in the business of helping customers. Deutsche Bank stands for German Bank if you were not aware of that fact. Founded in 1870, this bank makes its headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany. It is involved in a plethora of financial services and has offices worldwide.The Deutsche Bank employs in excess of 81,000 individuals in 76 countries across the globe.[br]

Its largest presence can be found in the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, as well as the emerging markets. It has its offices centrally located in many major financial centers. Examples of these include London, Sydney, Moscow, New York, Toronto, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore and Sao Paulo. At the present time the banking giant is investing in other markets that are showing promise. These include Asia Pacific, Latin America, Central Europe, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

It is the Deutsche Bank’s Corporate and Investment Bank Group Division (CIB) that is responsible for the financial institution’s capital markets business. The clients they deal with range from the smallest to the largest. The CIB is further subdivided into two corporate divisions. There is the Corporate Banking and Securities Division and the Global Transaction Banking Division. Some of the products and services that the CIB deal with include corporate finance, forex trading, exchange traded funds (ETFs), systematic funds, global transaction banking, cash management, clearing, trade finance, trust and securities services and sustainable products and services.[br]

Phone Numbers and Support

The friendly employees at the Deutsche Bank Customer Service can help you with any problems you may run into regarding your bank account and any product or service that you have with the bank.

Here are some phone numbers that you may need at some point in time:

Deutsche Bank AG
Tel: +49 69 910-00
Fax: +49 69 910-34225

Regional Head Offices

Deutsche Bank
New York
Tel: +1 212 250 2500

Deutsche Bank
Tel: +44 20 754 58000

Deutsche Bank
Tel: +65 6423 8001

If you would like you can also use the contact forms at the Deutsche Bank website, found at The form is broken down into categories such as Private & Business Clients, Investor Relations and Another Topic. Visit the website to learn more. When you want a bank that will be there for you when you need them the most then you need look no further than the Deutsche Bank. The German Bank takes good care of all of its clients.

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