Construction Industry

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Construction Industry is one of the most booming industries in the whole world. This industry is mainly an urban based one which is concerned with preparation as well as construction of real estate properties. The repairing of any existing building or making certain alterations in the same also comes under Construction Industry. This industry can be categorized into three basic categories namely :-

Construction Industry is one of the most booming industries in the whole world. This industry is mainly an urban based one which is concerned with preparation as well as construction of real estate properties. The repairing of any existing building or making certain alterations in the same also comes under Construction Industry. This industry can be categorized into three basic categories namely :-

  • Construction involving heavy and civil engineering
    The construction of large projects such as bridge, road, etc comes under this category.
  • General construction
    The construction works that involve building of real estate ones such as residential or commercial real estate assets, etc.
  • Construction projects involving specialty trades
    Construction works that involve building up of specialized items namely, electric related works, works on woods, etc.

It is generally being observed in the all round the globe in the

Construction Industry

that the contractor individual or organization involved in the construction process specialize in any one of the above mentioned categories. A contractor who is involved in building real estate do not generally go for specialized trade or heavy engineering works. The same is also true for other kind of contractors.

Construction Industry is a booming industry and remain so with the continuation of the development process especially in the developing countries. With the process of development, the migration of people takes place from the rural to urban areas. This phenomenon is most significantly observed in the “Asian Tiger” countries, China and India. Thus, the Construction Industry is also on a rise in such countries.


Further Readings

Find out more about Construction Dust Control.

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