
23 November 2010

Currency Calculator

Overview of Currency Calculators A currency calculator is a tool to calculate the value of one currency in another currency. This content is part of the extensive resources on Insurance featured in Related Link 1 Related Link 2 Related...

23 November 2010

Cross Currency

Cross currency trading refers to forex transactions that do not include the US dollar (USD). A cross rate refers to a currency pair that excludes the US dollar. An example of a cross rate is GBP/JPY, in which the two...

23 November 2010

Currency Swap, Currency Swaps

  A currency swap is an agreement between two parties to exchange the principal loan amount and interest applicable on it in one currency with the principal and interest payments on an equal loan in another currency. These contracts are...

23 November 2010

US Dollar Converter, US Dollar Conversion

The US dollar converter is a ‘conversion’ tool which instantly converts the value of a specific domestic currency into US Dollars and vice versa. Such conversions are based on current exchange rates. The US Dollar converters are primarily used by...

23 November 2010

Currency Charts, Currency Graphs

Currency charts (or forex charts) depict the behavior of various currency pairs. Typical currency charts include intraday charts, that plot minute-by-minute changes; daily charts, that show closing values at the end of each trading day; and long term charts that...

23 November 2010

Carry Trade

When referring to an asset, the term “carry” means the return received (if positive) or cost incurred (if negative)of holding the asset. A carry trade is a currency trade in which low-yielding currencies are borrowed and high-yielding currencies are lent....