OpenAI CEO considers opening an office and expand services to Japan

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The Chief Executive Officer for OpenAI, Sam Altman, has said he is considering opening a physical office. Following a recent meeting with the Japanese prime minister, the executive is also considering expanding the company’s services to Japan.

OpenAI CEO considers opening an office

OpenAI rose to the limelight after the release of its ChatGPT chatbot. The chatbot quickly gained traction globally, attracting millions of users within a short time. The chatbot also accelerated interest in artificial intelligence, and OpenAI has been touted as one f the companies leading the race for AI adoption.

The OpenAI Chief executive met with the Japan Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida. The two discussed a wide range of issues revolving around technological advancements and AI’s benefits. They also touched on the risks of AI, such as infringement on privacy and copyright.

Japan is keenly following up on the developments in the AI industry. The country will analyze the possibility of bringing AI-powered technologies such as the OpenAI ChatGPT chatbot. Japan’s chief cabinet secretary, Hirokazu Matsuno, noted that the country was interested in understanding the risks and benefits of such new technologies.

OpenAI attracted a huge investment from Microsoft because of the growing interest in its chatbot. However, while ChatGPT has become a global sensation, privacy concerns exist. Recently, Italy temporarily banned the use of ChatGPT.

Altman said his meeting with the Japanese Prime Minister aimed to explore creating something unique for the Japanese people. The platform wanted to create better language models for the Japanese language and the Japanese culture. Altman’s visit to Japan marks the first international trip he has made since the release of ChatGPT.

Altman also held another meeting at the headquarters of the Japanese ruling party. During this meeting, he said he hoped Japan would play a crucial role in adopting AI and rule-making in the industry because of the country’s geopolitical position.

Addressing privacy and cybersecurity concerns

Matsuno held a briefing with reporters, saying that Japan would consider the government adoption of AI technology such as ChatGPT if the concerns surrounding privacy and cybersecurity were addressed.

Italy’s temporary ban on the chatbot appears to have triggered ripple effects. Other European countries started exploring measures around AI use. OpenAI seeks to address these concerns, and last week, the company presented several measures.

Japan is exploring AI to reduce the workload for government workers after assessing ways they can address privacy and data breach concerns. Adopting AI in government services is expected to bring major reforms in the government workstyle. However, the model cannot be adopted for government functions in its current model because of the high possibility of error.

Towards the end of this month, the G7 Digital Ministers will have a meeting in Japan. During this meeting, the ministers are expected to discuss AI technologies such as ChatGPT and release a single message for G7 countries.


Ali is a professional journalist with experience in Web3 journalism and marketing. Ali holds a Master's degree in Finance and enjoys writing about cryptocurrencies and fintech. Ali’s work has been published on a number of leading cryptocurrency publications including, CryptoSlate,,, Business2Community, BeinCrypto, and more.