International Trade

5 January 2015

Do Global Trade Deals Hinge on ‘fast-track’ Tactics?

With the resounding Republican victory in November’s midterm elections, most pundits are despairing that Congress and President Barack Obama will find any areas for cooperation in the coming two years. If there is a potential bright spot of mutual interest,...

17 December 2014

EU and US Trade and Investment Partnership a Second-Best Approach

Like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, and the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the European Union (EU) and the United States (US) is a second-best approach to trade...

28 November 2014

Obama, the TPP, and Help from – Republicans?

Are the stars aligning for both passage of a trade promotion authority bill by Congress and approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement? Are the stars aligning for both passage of a trade promotion authority bill by Congress and approval of...

3 October 2014

The Iron Ore Shipping Business is Facing Some Rough Seas

The impact of Chinese demand on global iron ore prices is well known. A less acknowledged consequence of China’s emergence is the transformation of incentive structures in the global shipping market. Dramatic increases in freight rates shifted global iron ore...

30 June 2010

Trade Industry

The trade industry encompasses the exchange of goods and services across national borders. The history of foreign trade dates back more than 5,000 years. By the 1st century BC, the silk route had been established. This was an extensive network...

30 June 2010

Free Trade, Free Movement Of Goods And Services

Free trade has existed from the time man learned to barter, much before the concept of actual money and currency materialized. Now, it refers to the movement of goods and services within and outside a country without government regulations. Free...

30 June 2010

Trade Deficit

A Trade Deficit occurs when the value of a country’s imports exceed its exports for a specific period of time, usually a year. The relationship between imports and exports are called the trade balance. When exports exceed imports it is...

30 June 2010

Trade Barrier

Trade barriers refer to government-imposed policies to restrict international trade. Most commonly, a country’s government employs tariffs, duties, embargoes and subsidies as trade barriers. However, imposing trade barriers are against the concept of free trade, popularized by developed nations.  ...

30 June 2010

India and China in World Trade

India and China the two emerging economies have increased their respective share in the world trade. After 1980s the economic performance in both the nations are experiencing a better trend. The percentage share of both the nations in the world...

30 June 2010

International Trade and Economic Growth

    The issues of international trade and economic growth have gained substantial importance with the introduction of trade liberalization policies in the developing nations across the world. International trade and its impact on economic growth crucially depend on globalization....

30 June 2010

Economics of International Trade

    The history of international trade is a long and chequered one. The term has different connotations across history. For example in the era when the nation states were not there the term international trade meant trade over long...