Econ Stats: All Economic Indicators for All Countries

26, Jul 2024, EDT.

Welcome to the beta version of Econ Stats, the Economic Statistics Database service provided by

Countries Included: All world countries, economic regions, geographical regions
Years Covered: From 1980 to 2013 forecasts
Indicators: Over 50 Indicators from our database of 1,000 are currently display by Econ Stats
Data Sources: IMF, World Bank, UN, OECD, CIA World Factbook, Internet World Statistics, The Heritage Foundation and Transparency International
Last Updated: 17th March 2015

These include Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on a national currency, US dollars, PPP per capita and growth basis, population, employment, inflation, trade and government statistics. Select which indicator you would like to see from the list below, and view data by country and/ or year.

Data is available for all world countries and regions from 1980 to 2003, but some data points are missing on a country or yearly basis. As well as the over 220 countries tracked, major blocs such as the World as a whole, the European Union and Emerging Economies are also featured.

In upcoming upgrades to the service, we will be adding more extensive economic data from the World Bank, the CIA World Factbook and elsewhere - please sign up for email alerts (on the home page) or follow @EconomyWatch on Twitter if you would like to be notified on updates. Scroll down for a full listing of all 2015 economic Indicators.

All Indicators - Economic Statistics By Country
  Country and Region Indicators
  Current Account Balance (US Dollars)
  Current Account Balance (% GDP)
  Six-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) Change %
  General Government Balance (National Currency)
  General Government Balance (% of GDP)
  Total Government Gross Debt (National Currency)
  Total Government Gross Debt (% of GDP)
  Total Government Net Debt (National Currency)
  Total Government Net Debt (% of GDP)
  General government revenue (National Currency)
  General government revenue (% of GDP)
  General Government Structural Balance (National Currency)
  General Government Structural Balance (% Potential GDP)
  General government total expenditure (National Currency)
  General government total expenditure (% of GDP)
  Total Government Net Lending/ Borrowing (National Currency)
  Total Government Net Lending/ Borrowing (% of GDP)
  Unemployment Rate (% of Labour Force)
  Output Gap, Percent of Potential GDP
  GDP (Current Prices, National Currency)
  GDP Deflator
  Fiscal Year Gross Domestic Product, Current Prices
  GDP (Constant Prices, National Currency)
  GDP Growth (Constant Prices, National Currency)
  GDP Growth (Constant Prices, US Dollars)
  GDP (Current Prices, US Dollars)
  GDP Per Capita (Current Prices, US Dollars)
  GDP Per Capita (Current Prices, National Currency)
  GDP Per Capita (Constant Prices, National Currency)
  Gross National Savings (% of GDP)
  Investment (% of GDP)
  Inflation, Average Consumer Prices (Indexed to Year 2000)
  Inflation, End of Year (Indexed to Year 2000)
  Inflation (End of Year Change %)
  Inflation (Average Consumer Price Change %)
  Implied PPP Conversion Rate
  GDP (PPP), US Dollars
  GDP Per Capita (PPP), US Dollars
  GDP Share of World Total (PPP)
  Value of Oil Imports
  Value of Oil Exports
  Aggregate Indicators and Data Points Listing
  Geography (Location, geographic coordinates, map references, area, terrain, elevation extremes, borders, coastline and maritime claims)
  Natural Resources, Agricultural Products, Land Use and Water Use
  Climate and Environment (climate, environmental issues, environmental agreements, natural hazards)
  Age Structure, Median Age, Gender and Urbanization
  Population Growth Rate, Birth Rate, Death Rate, Net Migration Rate
  Life Expectancy Rate, Infant Mortality Rate and Total Fertility Rate
  HIV, AIDS and Other Major Infectious Disease Rates
  Nationality, Ethnic Groups, Languages and Religions
  Literacy Rate, Educational Expenditure and School Life Expectancy
  Gross Domestic Product (PPP, Official Exchange Rate, Real Growth Rate and Per Capita)
  Labor Force by Occupation
  Poverty Line, Gini Index, Household Income and Consumption
  National Budget and Public Debt
  Bank Rates (Commercial Bank Prime Lending Rate, Central Bank Discount Rate)
  Stock of Money, Stock of Quasi Money, Stock of Domestic Credit
  Stock Market Capitalization: Market Value of Publicly Traded Shares
  Industries and Industrial Growth Production Rate
  Electricity Production, Electricity Consumption, Electricity Exports and Electricity Imports
  Oil Production, Proven Oil Reserves, Oil Consumption, Oil Exports and Oil Imports
  Natural Gas Production, Proven Natural Gas Reserves, Natural Gas Consumption, Natural Gas Exports and Natural Gas Imports
  Trade Statistics, Export Statistics, Export Partners and Products, Import Statistics, Import Partners and Products
  Foreign Exchange Reserves and Gold Reserves
  FDI Statistics (Foreign Direct Investment at Home/ Inbound FDI, Foreign Direct Investment Abroad/ Outbound FDI)
  Exchange Rate Statistics
  Telephone Statistics: Number of Fixed Lines, Mobile Phone Penetration Rate
  Television and Radio Statistics (TV Stats, Radio Stats)
  Internet Statistics (Internet Users, Internet Hosts, Country TLD)
  Airport Statistics (Paved Runway Airports, Unpaved Runway Airports, Heliports)
  Transport Statistics (Railways, Roadways, Waterways, Ports and Terminals, Airports, Merchant Marine)
  Military Statistics (Military Expenditure, Military Branches, Service Age and Obligation, Manpower Available and Fit for Military Service)
  Disputes, Refugees, Human Trafficking and Illicit Drug Production
  Regional Economic Indicator Listing
  Financial account balance
  Direct Investment, Net (US Dollars)
  Financial derivatives, net
  Private Financial Flows, Net (US Dollars)
  Other Private Portfolio Flows, Net (US Dollars)
  Change in National Reserves (US Dollars)
  Net Official Flows (US Dollars)
  Net Private Financial Flows (US Dollars)
  Imports of Goods and Services (US Dollars)
  Exports of Goods and Services (US Dollars)
  Total External Debt in US Dollars (US$)
  External Debt % Exports of Goods and Services (External Debt as a Percentage of Exports of Goods and Services)
  External Debt % GDP (External Debt as a Percentage of GDP)
  Total External Debt Service in US Dollars (US$)
  External Debt Servicing as % Exports of Goods and Services (External Debt Service as a Percentage of Exports of Goods and Services)
  Service of External Debt % GDP (External Debt Service as a Percentage of GDP)
  Total External Debt Interest in US Dollars (US$)
  Interest on External Debt % Exports of Goods and Services (External Debt Interest as a Percentage of Exports of Goods and Services)
  Interest on External Debt % GDP (External Debt Interest as a Percentage of GDP)
  Total External Debt Amortization in US Dollars (US$)
  External Debt Amortized as % Exports of Goods and Services (External Debt Amortization as a Percentage of Exports of Goods and Services)
  Amortization of External Debt % GDP (External Debt Amortization as a Percentage of GDP)
  Three-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) Change %
  Import Volume of All Items Including Goods and Services (Percent Change)
  Import Volumes of Goods Only (Percent Change)
  Trade Volumes, All Trade (Percent Change)
  Terms of Trade of All Items Including Services and Goods (Percent Change)
  Terms of Trade of Goods (Percent Change)
  Export Volume of All Items Including Goods and Services (Percent Change)
  Export Volumes of Goods Only (Percent Change)
  Export Prices, All Manufactures (Index, 2000=100, US Dollars)
  Export Price of Manufactures (% Change, US Dollars)
  Price Index Indicators Listing
  Commodity Price Index - Includes Both Fuel And Non-Fuel Price Indices
  Aluminum, 99.5% minimum purity, LME spot price, CIF UK ports, US$ per metric tonne
  Bananas, Central American and Ecuador, FOB U.S. Ports, US$ per metric tonne
  Barley, Canadian no.1 Western Barley, spot price, US$ per metric tonne
  Beef, Australian and New Zealand 85% lean fores, FOB U.S. import price, US cents per pound
  Beverage Price Index - Includes Coffee, Tea, And Cocoa
  Cereals Price Index - Includes Wheat, Maize (Corn), Rice, And Barley
  Coal, Australian thermal coal, 1200- btu/pound, less than 1% sulfur, 14% ash, FOB Newcastle/Port Kembla, US$ per metric tonne
  Coal, South African export price, US$ per metric tonne
  Coal Price Index - Includes Australian And South African Coal
  Cocoa beans, International Cocoa Organization cash price, CIF US and European ports, US$ per metric tonne
  Coffee, Other Mild Arabicas, International Coffee Organization New York cash price, ex-dock New York, US cents per pound
  Coffee, Robusta, International Coffee Organization New York cash price, ex-dock New York, US cents per pound
  Coffee Price Index - Includes Other Mild Arabicas And Robusta
  Copper, grade A cathode, LME spot price, CIF European ports, US$ per metric tonne
  Cotton, Cotton Outlook `A Index`, Middling 1-3/32 inch staple, CIF Liverpool, US cents per pound
  Food And Beverage Price Index (F&B)- Includes Food And Beverage Price Indices
  Fishmeal, Peru Fish meal/pellets 65% protein, CIF, US$ per metric tonne
  Food Price Index - Includes Cereal, Vegetable Oils, Meat, Seafood, Sugar, Bananas, And Oranges Price Indices
  Groundnuts (peanuts), 40/50 (40 to 50 count per ounce), cif Argentina, US$ per metric tonne
  Hardwood Price Index - Includes Hardwood Logs And Hardwood Sawn Price Indices
  Hides, Heavy native steers, over 53 pounds, wholesale dealer`s price, US cents per pound
  Industrial Inputs Price Index - Includes Agricultural Raw Materials And Metals Price Indices
  Iron Ore, China import Iron Ore Fines 62% FE spot (CFR Tianjin port) US$ per metric ton
  Lamb, frozen carcass Smithfield London, US cents per pound
  Lead, 99.97% pure, LME spot price, CIF European Ports, US$ per metric tonne
  Soft Logs, Average Export price from the U.S. for Douglas Fir, US$ per cubic meter
  Hard Logs, Best quality Malaysian meranti, import price Japan, US$ per cubic meter
  Maize (corn), U.S. No.2 Yellow, FOB Gulf of Mexico, U.S. price, US$ per metric tonne
  Meat Price Index - Includes Beef, Lamb, Swine (Pork), And Poultry Price Indices
  Metals Price Index - Includes Copper, Aluminum, Iron Ore, Tin, Nickel, Zinc, Lead, And Uranium Price Indices
  Commodity Non-Fuel Price Index - Includes Food And Beverages And Industrial Inputs Price Indices
  Natural Gas, Russian Natural Gas border price in Germany, US$ per million metric British thermal units of gas
  Natural Gas, Indonesian Liquified Natural Gas in Japan, US$ per million metric British thermal units of liquid
  Natural Gas, Natural Gas spot price at the Henry Hub terminal in Louisiana, US$ per million metric British thermal units of gas
  Natural Gas Price Index - Includes European, Japanese, And American Natural Gas Price Indices
  Nickel, melting grade, LME spot price, CIF European ports, US$ per metric tonne
  Commodity Fuel Index - Includes Crude Oil (Petroleum), Natural Gas, And Coal Price Indices
  Crude Oil Spot Price Averages ( Petroluem, Apsp): Dated Brent, West Texas Intermediate, And The Dubai Fateh
  Crude Oil (Petroleum) Price Index - Includes Dated Brent, West Texas Intermediate, And The Dubai Fateh
  Crude Oil (petroleum), Dated Brent, light blend 38 API, fob U.K., US$ per barrel
  Oil; Dubai, medium, Fateh 32 API, fob Dubai Crude Oil (petroleum), Dubai Fateh Fateh 32 API, US$ per barrel
  Crude Oil (petroleum), West Texas Intermediate 40 API, Midland Texas, US$ per barrel
  Olive Oil, extra virgin less than 1% free fatty acid, ex-tanker price U.K., US$ per metric tonne
  Oranges, miscellaneous oranges French import price, US$ per metric tonne
  Palm oil, Malaysia Palm Oil Futures (first contract forward) 4-5 percent FFA, US$ per metric tonne
  Swine (pork), 51-52% lean Hogs, U.S. price, US cents per pound
  Poultry (chicken), Whole bird spot price, Georgia docks, US cents per pound
  Agricultural Raw Materials Index - Includes Timber, Cotton, Wool, Rubber, And Hides Price Indices
  Rice, 5 percent broken milled white rice, Thailand nominal price quote, US$ per metric tonne
  Rapeseed oil, crude, FOB Rotterdam, US$ per metric ton
  Rubber, No.1 Rubber Smoked Sheet, FOB Maylaysian/Singapore, US cents per pound
  Fish (salmon), Farm Bred Norwegian Salmon, export price, US$ per kilogram
  Hard Sawnwood, Dark Red Meranti, select and better quality, C&F U.K port, US$ per cubic meter
  Soft Sawnwood, average export price of Douglas Fir, U.S. Price, US$ per cubic meter
  Commodity Seafood Index includes Fish (salmon) and Shrimp Price Indices
  Shrimp, Frozen shell-on headless, block 16/20 count, Indian origin, C&F Japan, US$ per kilogram
  Soybean Meal, Chicago Soybean Meal Futures (first contract forward) Minimum 48 percent protein, US$ per metric tonne
  Commodity Softwood Index includes Softwood Sawn and Softwood Logs Price Indices
  Soybean Oil, Chicago Soybean Oil Futures (first contract forward) exchange approved grades, US$ per metric tonne
  Soybeans, U.S. soybeans, Chicago Soybean futures contract (first contract forward) No. 2 yellow and par, US$ per metric tonne
  Sugar, European import price, CIF Europe, US cents per pound
  Sugar, Free Market, Coffee Sugar and Cocoa Exchange (CSCE) contract no.11 nearest future position, US cents per pound
  Sugar, U.S. import price, contract no.14 nearest futures position, US cents per pound
  Commodity Sugar Index includes European, Free market, and U.S. Price Indices
  Sunflower Oil, US export price from Gulf of Mexico, US$ per metric tonne
  Tea, Mombasa, Kenya, Auction Price, US cents per kilogram
  Commodity Timber Index includes Hardwood and Softwood Price Indices
  Tin, standard grade, LME spot price, US$ per metric tonne
  Uranium, u3o8 restricted price, Nuexco exchange spot, US$ per pound
  Commodity Vegetable Oil Index includes Soybean, Soybean Meal, Soybean Oil, Rapeseed Oil, Palm Oil, Sunflower Oil, Olive Oil, Fishmeal, and Groundnut Price Indic
  Wheat, No.1 Hard Red Winter, ordinary protein, FOB Gulf of Mexico, US$ per metric tonne
  Wool, coarse, 23 micron, Australian Wool Exchange spot quote, US cents per kilogram
  Wool, fine, 19 micron, Australian Wool Exchange spot quote, US cents per kilogram
  Commodity Wool Index includes Coarse and Fine Wool Price Indices
  Zinc Price Index - High Grade 98% Pure
  Internet Indicators Listing
  Number of Internet Users
  Internet Penetration Rate
  Number of Facebook Accounts
  Facebook Penetration Rate
  Economic Freedom Indicators Listing
  Economic Freedom World Rank
  Government Spending
  Monetary Freedom
  Investment Freedom
  Financial Freedom
  Property Rights
  Economic Freedom Regional Ranking
  Freedom from Corruption
  Labor Freedom
  Tariff Rate
  Income Tax Rate
  Corporate Tax Rate
  Tax Burden % of GDP
  Government Expenditure % of GDP
  Business Freedom
  Trade Freedom
  Fiscal Freedom
  2016 Score
  Corruption Perceptions Index Rank and Score
  Corruption Perceptions Index Rank and Score