Econ Stats: Economic Statistics and Indicators by Country and Region

27, Jul 2024, EDT.

Countries Included: All world countries, economic regions, geographical regions
Years Covered: From 1980 to 2019 forecasts
Indicators: Over 50 indicators from our database of 1,000 are currently display by Econ Stats
Data Sources: IMF, World Bank, UN, OECD, CIA World Factbook, Internet World Statistics, The Heritage Foundation and Transparency International
Last Updated: 17th March 2015

The primary means of navigating economic statistics is by looking at indicators on a country basis. These indicators are typically calculated by national government ministries, agencies or central banks, and then comparables are built by intergovernmental agencies.

Econ Stats includes all of the countries defined in the World Economic Outlook (WEO) analysis provided by the IMF.

In addition, we provide collated indicators for the following economic or geographical regions: the World, Advanced Economies, the Euro Area, Major Advanced Economies (G7), Newly Industrialized Asian Economies, Other Advanced Economies, Emerging & Developing Economies, Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Western Hemisphere, European Union, Central & Eastern Europe, Developing Asia and the Middle East

Economic Indicators for 2015
  Country GDP
(US Billions)
GDP Growth
* Source: IMF
  Other Countries
* Source: CIA