International Business Customs & Etiquette

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Understanding international business customs and etiquette is vital for business and interacting with clients from other countries appropriately. Successful international business deals, negotiations and forging strong international business relationships thrive on a deep understanding of international business conduct, etiquette, customs and protocol.

Understanding international business customs and etiquette is vital for business and interacting with clients from other countries appropriately. Successful international business deals, negotiations and forging strong international business relationships thrive on a deep understanding of international business conduct, etiquette, customs and protocol.

Etiquette, manners, and cross cultural communication have become critical elements required for international business executives, managers, and employees. As international business continues to expand, the most important element of successful business outcomes lies in the respect for regional, country, and cultural differences.

However, no matter where you do business, always observe punctuality – it is the height of respect for your host in any country and learn to pronounce names, and remember them. Get a native speaker to help you if you’re unsure. And when you find yourself lost, a polite smile will get you through any unfamiliar situation.

Find valuable tips and advice on international business customs and etiquette on EconomyWatch below.


About Liz Zuliani PRO INVESTOR

Diverse background in digital media, with experience working across large networks, to boutique sites and start-up ventures.